20 October 2010

Singlist To Share

Sentences tend to end with...."Lah" "Lor" "Leh" "Ah" "Ma" "Hor"

"Yah lah!" - usually said in exasperation
"Yah lor" - usually said in agreement
"Yes leh" - usually said in indignation
"Yah ah!" - usually in frustration
"Yah ma..." - usually said when one is unsure; in low tones.
"Yah hor" - usually said when one realises something.
"Ok lah" - in comment that one's work/idea is of acceptable standards.
"Ok leh" - when a person complains something is faulty or of poor quality, the person who provided the item replies this after verifying that the item is in working order.
"Ok lor" - to agree to do something when asked (sometimes reluctantly.)
"Ok ma?" - to ask if one's work/idea is of acceptable standards.
"Ok ah?" - to confirm something.
"Ok hor?" - to ask if one's work/idea is of acceptable standards.
"No lah" - to deny something in an offhand manner.
"No leh" - in disagreement
"No lor" - in disagreement
"No ma" - in disagreement (usually followed by an explanation)
"No ah?" - to confirm a negative answer.
"No hor?" - to confirm a negative answer.
"Like that lor"The situation is still the same and that there had been no recent changes.
Man 1 : Hey! Haven't seen you in a long time, how are you?Man 2 : Like that lor.
Three most commonly used words.
"What"At lunchtime...
"Eat What?"At the cinema ...
"See what?"Ah Hua to Ah Lian*....
"Stare what Stare?" (*gangsters)Over the phone...
"Do what?" or "Make what?"When one cannot hear another speaking ...
"Say what?"When one pushes another to make a speech...
"Say what?"To express indignation...
"No what..."When insisting that one's creation is of acceptable standards ...
"Ok what..."To express mild irritation at being blamed when ignorant ...
" I dunno what...""Got"In place of "have" ....
"I also got." "He also got."
"Today Mango got sale." "I know where got sell this thing.
"To emphasize on something .... "I got do!""One"In place of "yours" ...
"this is your one."In place of "mine" ...
"This one my one."In place of "hers" and "his"...
"That one her one. This one his one."In place of "theirs" and "ours" ...
"That house is they'are one.
This house is our one."(** their is commonly mis-pronounced as they-are)
To express frustation in an unfavourable situation ... "Where got like that one?"

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